physical laboratory
The physics teaching laboratory allows students enrolled in the baccalaureate in physics to carry out experiments on various subjects, introducing them to scientific research and preparing them for their future careers. These experiments cover, among other things, concepts of electricity, magnetism, optics, quantum mechanics, etc.
The physics teaching laboratory of the Science Complex (MIL campus) is divided into several rooms, the main ones of which are:
The B-1431, a large multipurpose laboratory used for practical courses in the first (PHY1501) and second year (PHY2476) of the baccalaureate in physics.
Proposed arrangements: RLC circuit; e/m ratio; gas flow; Cp/Cv ratio; interference, diffraction and dispersion of light; photovoltaic cells, photoelectric effect, thermionic emission, black body, electron density of a plasma…
The B-1451, a laboratory fully equipped to carry out modern optical experiments. The third year optics course (PHY3040) takes place there.
Proposed montages: holography; Gaussian beams; Raman scattering; quantum entanglement; Faraday effect; Zeeman effect; optical fiber, etc.